June 12, 2017 – Meeting Bulletin
The meeting was called to order at 12:15 PM by President Elect Linda Hatfield. 
Pledge of Allegiance
4 way Test
America the Beautiful was sung by Ken Gass
Invocation was given by  George Stern
Introduction of Guests and Visiting Rotarians:
Groves & Seaholm Interact students & their parents 
The following Rotarians were the meeting volunteers:
Lunch Tickets: Chris Winans
Raffle Tickets: Mark Cooper
Greeter: Mark Cooper
Sherriff: Chris McLogan
Bulletin Editor: Ryan Quinn
2 Minute Update: replaced with Groves & Seaholm Interact presentations
Host to Speaker: Alicia Green
Announcements & Upcoming Events:
Tigers Baseball Game on 07/26: contact Bryan Frank to secure one of the 19 remaining Tickets for the bargain price of $45 each
Hope Warming Center: 08/01/2017 Bill Roy
Guided Reading & Boys & Girls Reading Club at Owens Elementary: Norma Jean Evans – program has wrapped up for the year
Year End Party: 06/22/17 at 6:00 PM at John Westerheide’s house
Larry Sherman (06.13.17) 
Frannie Greenbaum (06.14.17)
Pat Grady (06.15.17) 25 years as a Rotarian
Daily Winner: John Westerhide.  
8 of diamonds remained elusive so the pot Lives at $57    
Update from Interact Clubs:
Interact Kids presented 2 great PowerPoint presentations showcasing all the hard work and fantastic projects they worked on throughout this school year.  Seaholm and Groves were both presented with checks for $250 from the Endowment Fund for their Community Service Awards.  Seaholm winner: Abigail Renard (not able to attend today due to signing with the U.S. Naval Academy.  Go Navy!) Groves with 2 winners: Jonah Kamoo (Albion) and Kiara Johnson (Michigan State. Go Spartans!)
Alicia Green introduced Lisa Machesky from the Oakland Literacy Council
Lisa is the executive director of the Oakland Literacy Council.  She earned her MBA from OU and her bachelor’s degree from Albion.  She was previously a member of the Pontiac Rotary and is a current Birmingham Resident.  
The Oakland Literacy Council focuses on Adult Literacy.  It was founded in 1983 and currently serves about 225 students weekly and would gladly serve more if she could find the tutors.  She shared many facts and stories about adults struggling with reading and stressed the importance of viewing it as an economic issue.  She also shared that based on their evidence, a mother’s own reading ability is the single biggest factor in what level their children achieve.  She asked that anyone with a spare 2 hours per week contact her about tutoring!  Please see attached docs for more infor about this very worthwhile group.  

Meeting was closed with a round of Smiles.